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Lutheran Church Missouri Synod

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What To Expect

New Here?


Welcome to Saint Paul’s Lutheran Church… we’re glad you’re interested in learning more about our community of faith!  You’ll find that we are firmly rooted in the Bible and we preach and teach the gospel of Jesus Christ in all that we do.  We are a conservatively confessional church body with a Biblically based liturgical worship style as it is found in the Lutheran Service Book (LSB). 


Join us on Sunday mornings for worship at 9:00 a.m. followed by Bible Study at 10:30 a.m.


Sometimes it is good to know what to expect when attending a church for the first time.  This information is meant to help familiarize you with our common practices.  


Ushers play an important role in our worship services. 

  • They will greet you

  • They will hand you a bulletin

  • They will provide you with information about our nursery, if needed. 

  • They will take up offering and prompt you when it’s your pew’s time to approach the altar for communion. 


We have a “small” church but finding a seat is easy… There are no reserved seats except those occasionally designated for the choir or other special worship observances such as confirmation or Christmas. 


As you prepare yourself for the service…

  • familiarize yourself with our bulletin and hymnal.  The bulletin will identify all hymns and prayers.  The Hymnal (Lutheran Service Book) is the maroon book located on the back of the pew in front of your seat.  Bibles are also located next to the LSB.  

  • If you are interested to participate in communion at our church, please notify Pastor Chris or one of the ushers before the service.  All  Confirmed members of the LCMS, who believe this meal is the real presence of Christ and believe it is taken for the forgiveness sins, are invited and encouraged to receive this precious gift.     

Contact Us

St. Paul's Lutheran Church
955 Highway 109
Wildwood, MO 63038



Connect with us

“We preach Christ crucified . . .”    (1 Corinthians 1:23)

© Copyright 2023 St Paul's Wildwood . All rights reserved.

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