Dear Christian friends,

Given this past Memorial Day weekend, I believe it is of great value to appreciate those who have paid the ultimate price to secure the freedoms we enjoy in this country. On behalf of the congregation, I want to express our appreciation to families who have experienced the loss of a loved one as they fought for freedom.
Also, on behalf of the entire church family, I would like to take this opportunity to express our congratulations to all our recent graduates (in particular Michael Weindel). We would like to express our congratulations to our recent Confirmand, Wyatt Asher. And finally, I would also like to congratulate Monica and Matthew Kelpe on the birth of their daughter Elizabeth Mary Rose Kelpe. Congratulations! We are so happy for you!
As you know Summer is just beginning, and as we transition, let me remind you that summer is not a “break” but rather a time to shift gears, a time to grow. That being said, we are offering several opportunities to get together for some fellowship and study this summer. We have begun a new 10 week study on the Augsburg Confessions during Sunday morning Bible class at 10:30. We are also continuing the study through Exodus Thursdays at 10:00 AM. June 10th will be Vacation Bible School. This year we are blessed to have a petting zoo for the kids. Please bring your kids, grandkids, and their friends. Also, on June 11th we will host a booth at the Wildwood Food Truck Event. We will be present to intentionally provide visibility and support for our community.
For those of you that recently planted gardens, you know very well that gardens do not grow without work. Gardens take time and even your own sweat… But consider the result. It takes initial investment, watering, tending, and nurturing, but in the final analysis, there is much rejoicing at harvest time. I think the same can and should be said for the Church.
Here are a few more thoughts: let us use our summer to enrich our church family relationships. Let us use our summer to spend time with each other. As other demands somewhat lessen, it is a prime time to share quality time with each other. Let us share God's Word, pray and care for each other. Finally, let us use the summer to serve others in Christian Love. Let us use the summer to enrich togetherness.
“To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven.” Summer has many unique opportunities. God's people are, in faith, to make use of this blessing. All praise to the Lord for His kindness to us. May our faith in Christ and our Love for others continue throughout the rest of this season of Grace.
In Christ,
Pastor Chris